Installing Dynamism

Before following these steps, please, make sure that you have already read through Junior OCU Setup.


1. Download the latest source from BitBucket. Dynamism is an open-source project, thus anyone is free to make copies of the repository.

hg clone

2. Add the following lines to your .bashrc. Run source ~/.bashrc after you make the changes.

export DY_DIRECTORY=~/dynamism

Don't forget to run the following line if you are still using the same shell:

source ~/.bashrc

3. Compile the system.
cd ~/dynamism

Note that 64bit version has some issues. So far, one common problem the students faced was an error on the compilation of dy_core.c. To resolve the problem, run the following line:

sudo apt-get install libc6-dev-i386

4. Test the system. Run the following commands within a python or an ipython shell.

import dy

Successive calls to that last function will show you the time, in seconds, since you initialized the system.

Mac OS X

1. Download the latest source from BitBucket. Dynamism is an open-source project, thus anyone is free to make copies of the repository.

hg clone

2. Add the following lines to your .bash_profile. Run source ~/.bash_profile after you make the changes.

export DY_DIRECTORY=~/dynamism

3. if you are planning to use Python for behavior development add the following line to your .bash_profile. Type source ~/.bash_profile after you make the changes.


4. If you are planning to use MATLAB for behavior development, add corresponding paths to your .bash_profile. Below are the lines that can be used for MATLAB2008a and MATLAB2008b. Note that, at this point, since I don't have MATLAB on my own machine, I'm not sure if addition of maci folder to the paths is necessary. You can test it and inform me so that I can update this part.

export PATH=/Applications/$PATH
export PATH=/Applications/$PATH
export PATH=/Applications/MATLAB_R2008a/bin:/$PATH

Type source ~/.bash_profile after you make the changes.

5. Compile the system.

cd ~/dynamism

6. Test the system. Run the following commands within a python or an ipython shell.

import dy

Successive calls to that last function will show you the time, in seconds, since you initialized the system.


You can follow the Ubuntu instructions above, as they seem to work perfectly well under Cygwin. We don't really encourage you to use Windows, though.